Thursday, July 9, 2009

Major Consumer Protection Actions at FTC

There is increased activity at the Federal Trade Commission on the consumer protection front. David Vladeck, the FTC's new director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection is wasting no time in getting down to business. With less than a month on the job, Vladeck announced two major enforcement actions: one involving a nationwide crackdown against scammers, and the other resulting in a $3.7 million penalty for CAN-SPAM violations.

Mintz Levin colleague Farrah Short writes that "Director Vladeck was named to the position in April and began his new role in June, after a handful of consumer watchdog groups called for the FTC Chairman to appoint someone with “a track record as a genuine champion of consumer rights.” If these early announcements are any indication, Director Vladeck may be on his way to fulfilling that wish."

For more:

CAN-SPAM action
FTC scammer action